Production know-how transfer DUO PASS
Construction of production site in Vertou, France.
The ability to provide the adequate and sufficient nutrient to meet the requirements of the high milk yielding cows is one of the major priorities to ensure the preservation of the animals' health, the production and the long-term productivity. It is well known that the protein requirements of the animals cannot be covered only by increasing the protein content of the ration, for the reason that a protein consumption higher than a certain degree damages significantly the reproduction indices (sperm index, fertility rate, calving interval) and consequently the profitability of the milk production as well.
Today, the background of this occurrence is already clear – increasing the protein content of the TMR (especially if we feed easily degradable rumen protein) the ammonium content of the rumen liquid will be higher, which causes the deterioration of the reproduction indices through a higher urea content of the blood.
For the reproduction of the rumen microbes it is basically necessary to have the easily digestible, e.g. in rumen, easily degradable proteins. However, the part of the protein that is not possible to be incorporated by the rumen microbes, has to be provided by proteins (inefficiently degradable rumen protein), which are not supposed to be absorbed in the rumen, but in the additional part of the digestive tract.
By using the “bypass” proteins, which pass intact through the rumen, it is necessary to reduce gradually the degradability of the protein content of the ration (according to Hungarian researchers examinations – J. Schmidt, 2003) to 55 – 60 %, because by using feed with 70 % or more degradability of the protein can cover the protein requirements only 25-30 kg of daily milk production with no loss of the reproductive results.
The degradability of the plant origin protein sources, which are occurring in the animal nutrition practice – apart from a few small exceptions – are usually high, so the bypass effect can and should be achieved by industrial treatment.
The use of the protected (or bypass) protein is well known for the dairy cow breeders. There are a lot of products on the market. To reduce the degradability, chemical and physical processes were developed and in some cases the combination of both is used. The bypass protein products – developed by VITAFORT – have two protection effects. One is the heat treating (the commonly known Maillard-reaction), and the other is a physical protection, namely an encapsulation in a fat matrix. The use of the product has double aims: it is a bypass protein and an energy source too. VITAFORT, has developed – exclusively by our own resources – a special technology to produce rumen protected protein products. This dual protection, according to our knowledge, is unique. A “mild” heat treatment and the valuable energy source of sugar and bypass fat, together with a high nutritive value, can result in an excellent quality feed, where the high bypass value (e.g. in case of soy meal min. 85%) is also combined with an excellent post-ruminant digestibility (see the table).